Conference abstracts

During the preparation of your abstract please follow the formatting (font type, font size, line spacing, page margins, etc.) in the template, and please do not use any creative or fancy formatting.

Here you can download the abstract template.

Please ensure that your abstract is no longer than one A4 page (including optional single figure) and does not include references.

Please note, that your abstract will not be an object of any review process and authors are fully responsible for the content.

Abstract submission 

If you prepared your abstract following instructions for the authors, please use the following filenames for it:

  • Name of the abstract file: C25_presentingauthorname.doc
  • If your abstract include the figure, create single archive file: with abstract file and figure file (png or jpg) 

In case you are going to submit several abstracts please number them: C25_presentingauthorname_1.doc, C25_presentingauthorname_2.doc, etc.

Please note, that only one oral presentation and/or one poster presentation will be accepted from one presenting author.

If you are submitting abstracts for both oral and poster presentations, please note that oral presentations must be marked as your primary submission in the registration form. 

The abstract submission deadline is prolonged to 3rd March 2025!