The 3rd meeting of CETEG took place in Felsötárkány, Hungary on April 14-17, 2005.
The international character and still increasing significance of the CETeG conferences was emphasised by the presence of over 100 participants mainly coming from the Visegrád countries with some geologists representing Romania, Slovenia and Switzerland. The meeting was organised by the Hungarian Tectonic Group, a board established as a consequence of the initiative of the Hungarian Geological Society to become an active member of CETeG. The pre-conference excursion gave the participants an excellent “Geologic Overview of Northern Hungary, Bükk Mts”. The post-conference excursion “Tectonics, sedimentation and Magmatism along the Darnó Zone” concluded this successful meeting. Abstracts and excursion guides were published in a special issue of GeoLines (2005, vol. 19).