The 10th meeting of the Cetral European Tectonic Studies Groups CETEG 2012 was held in Zemplínska Šírava - Medvedia hora, Slovakia on 2. - 5. May 2012. The field trips were organized by J. Kobulský, Ľ. Petro, Z. Németh, M. Kováčik, Ľ. Gazdačko and P. Bačo, as well as logistics by K. Žecová and Z. Bačová, all being the employees of the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, regional centre Košice. Scientific guarantee of the conference was Prof. D. Plašienka from the Faculty of Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava.
The meeting was attented by 69 specialists from the area of structural geology, tectonics, metamorphic petrology, but also sedimentology, engineering geology and the software processing of geodata and GIS. The pre-conference field trip led by Z. Németh, Ľ. Gazdačko and J. Kobulský was focused on Variscan tectonic setting vs. Alpine overprint in the region of the Spiš-Gemer Ore Mts. with the emphasis on lithology and tectonometamorphic evolution. The before dinner excursion have been devoted to geology of Zemplínske vrchy hills and Neogene volcanic body Borsuk led by J. Kobulský, Ľ. Gazdačko and P. Bačo culminated in newly built wine cellars by wine tasting and announcement of the winner of the Radek Melka price for the best scientific article. The 2012 winner was Prokop Závada (CZ) for the article. Závada, P., Dědeček, P., Mach, K., Lexa, O. & Potužák, M., 2011. Emplacement dynamics of phonolite magma into maar-diatreme structures — Correlation of field, thermal modeling and AMS analogue modeling data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 201, 1-4, 210-226. The winner of "The best student poster" was Lenka Kociánová (CZ) with the poster Analysis of 3D structures in GIS. The complete issue of the Mineralia Slovaca 44/1/2012, related to CETEG 2012 meeting, is now available on web. The supplement to this journal "Geovestnik" provides also the report about this event with photographs, as well as three excursion text guides.