Pre-conference field trip: Assembly of the Variscan Orogenic Wedge

Ondrej Lexa, Petr Jeřábek & Stephen Collett

The excursion will demonstrate key aspects of tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Erzgebirge including its early history, subduction related UHP metamorphism and later two stage exhumation.

Post-conference field trip: Quaternary geodynamics of the seismoactive Cheb basin

Petra Štěpančíková, Tomáš Fischer, Miroslav Coubal

The excursion will show several sites in Cheb basin, which is a western part of Cenozoic Eger rift and is famous by Pleistocene volcanoes and maars, Quaternary surface-rupturing earthquakes, mantle-derived CO2 emanation and by present day fluid-driven earthquake swarms.