21st Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Groups
Nové Hamry, 23 – 26 April 2025, Czech Republic
The meeting is organized by
Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology
Czech Geological Survey
in cooperation with
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Organizing team
Ondrej Lexa, Petr Jeřábek, Pavlína Hasalová, Daniela Třebínová & Anna Velímková
Dear Colleagues,
you are cordially invited to participate in the 21st Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Groups.
The mission of the Central European Tectonic Groups (CETEG) is to strengthen the professional communication and the coordination of activities of formal groups and individuals from the Central European countries interested in broadly scoped tectonics and geodynamics of the Earth crust. According to the assumed convention, scientific gatherings of CETEG are to be held annually in geologically attractive regions, each year in the different member country. The Central European Tectonic Group is an open scientific association bringing together the geoscientists with the interest in geodynamics of the Earth crust in a broad measure. The already well-established topics of the annual meetings are related to the structural evolution of the orogenic belts, basin evolution, a relationship of magmatism and tectonics and other subjects, studied by the methods of structural geology, petrology, geochemistry, sedimentology and geophysics.
Main topics of the 2025 Meeting
After 10 years we are going to bring your attention again to the geodynamic evolution of the western part of the Bohemian Massif… Several keynote lectures by top specialists (more details in the 2nd Circular) will provide hints to the main topics of the meeting. Nevertheless, the main body of the conference will consist of regular contributions, which are heartily welcome and will hopefully cover a very wide range of topics related to various aspects of structural geology, petrology and geochronology, as well as neotectonics and basin evolution traditionally promoted as important subjects of the meeting.
Conference language
Preliminary program
- 23rd April: Pre-conference field trip: "Assembly of the Variscan Orogenic Wedge". The excursion will demonstrate key aspects of tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Erzgebirge including its early history, subduction related UHP metamorphism and later two stage exhumation (leaders: Ondrej Lexa, Petr Jeřábek & Stephen Collett).
- 24th and 25th of April: Scientific sessions, oral and poster presentations
- 25th of April: The gala dinner and awards ceremony
- 26th of April: Post-conference field trip: "Quaternary geodynamics of the seismoactive Cheb basin". The excursion will show several sites in Cheb basin, which is a western part of Cenozoic Eger rift and is famous by Pleistocene volcanoes and maars, Quaternary surface-rupturing earthquakes, mantle-derived CO2 emanation and by present day fluid-driven earthquake swarms. (leaders: Petra Štěpančíková, Tomáš Fischer, Miroslav Coubal)
Conference location and accommodation
All activities related to the conference, including the gala dinner, will take place in Hotel Seifert in Nové Hamry. Nové Hamry village is located approximately 6 km north of Nejdek, in the Karlovy Vary district, and it has a train connection (in operation from 15 May 1899). Geologically the site is located in the central part of the Erzgebirge granite Batholith. Rolava - Sauersack, a huge mining complex worth a visit, was raised for wartime needs of tin in the early 1940s together with a nearby prisoner-of-war camp. The accommodation for the conference participants is reserved in Hotel Seifert and Hotel Schwartz.
Registration & Deadlines
Registration form including abstract submission will be open in mid-January and will have to be submitted until 21st February 2025. Payment deadline: 28th February 2025
Contact details
Whatever you need to know, please do not hesitate to contact: petrologie@gmail.com
Financial Inquiries: Daniela Třebínová: daniela.trebinova@geology.cz
Looking forward to seeing you in Nové Hamry!
Yours, Organizing team