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12th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Groups
19th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic studies Group (ČTS)
LĄDEK ZDRÓJ – Geovita(Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, the Sudetes)
23-26 April 2014
Second circular
The registration deadline is extended to 28th February 2014 but not longer
The meeting is organized by
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Wrocław Research Centre
Wrocław University, Institute of Geological Sciences
Polish Geological Institute, Lower Silesia Division
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Institute of Geology
Organizing team
Andrzej Żelaźniewicz, Janusz Badura, Stanisław Burliga, Mirosław Jastrzębski, Wiesław Kozdrój, Aleksandra Redlińska-Marczyńska, Wojciech Stawikowski, Jacek Szczepański, Maksymilian Twyrdy , Alicja Grad
Dear Colleagues,
We have a pleasure to inform you that the annual CETeG meeting which will be held in Lądek Zdrój, Sudetes, SW Poland, on 23–26 April 2014. The following is a basic information on the registering process, accommodation, abstract submission, payment and deadlines. The CETeG policy is followed in keeping registration and other costs as low as possible in order to encourage PhD students and young researchers to participate in the meeting.
Lądek Zdrój is located in the heart of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, one of the Variscan units in the Sudetes, which is divided into two parts by a late Cretaceous graben.
The pre-conference excursion will take you to a multiply deformed and metamorphosed gneiss–mica schist basement across the dome (23 April 2014)
The post-conference excursion will lead you to a Cretaceous cover with diverse records of Cenozoic tectonics (26 April 2014).
The registration is only possible through the webpage of the CETeG: http://petrol.natur.cuni.cz/ceteg/registration
If you are already a registered member, just sign in, and you can proceed with the registration to the meeting. If you have forgotten your password, use Request new password link, fill in your registered email address and you will receive a new link immediately.
If you are new in the community, you need registration. You should fill in basic information about yourself, which will be used during the conference registration.
If you encounter any technical troubles with registration or abstract submission, contact directly Ondrej Lexa (lexa.ondrej@gmail.com).
Basic information
When you logged in, please follow the steps of the form. Basic information (such as name, institution, address, etc.) can be changed in Personal Information of your account.
The final fees are as follows:
Professionals | 120 € or 500 PLN |
Students/retired | 90 € or 375 PLN |
The registration fee includes the abstract volume and other conference materials, 2 lunch meals, refreshments at coffee breaks, rental for conference rooms, equipment and the conference dinner.
Excursion fee
Pre conference | 25 € or 105 PLN |
Post conference | 25 € or 105 PLN |
The fee includes lunch (sandwiches), excursion guide, and transportation.
A venue of the conference is CKiR Geovita, Lądek Zdrój, Graniczna 14. For accommodation a special discount price was negotiated, which is the same for both double and single rooms. The number of single rooms is however limited so that they will be allocated to senior participants and on the basis of “first registered, first served” to the others.
The accommodation for everyone is 25 € (or 105 PLN)/person/night, breakfast and taxes are included. The hotel will be available from 22 April, afternoon.
If you like to book an accommodation on your own, please mark “none” on the registration form.
Contact organisers are: Mirek Jastrzębski (mjast@interia.pl) and Andrzej Żelaźniewicz (pansudet@pwr.wroc.pl). In case you would have any special need do not hesitate to contact the organisers.
You should process with your registration with giving details about your presentation. Please copy the text version of your abstract into the indicated box, and also attach it in Microsoft Word doc, docx or rtf format.
Note: you cannot fulfill your registration without abstract submission once you selected lecture or poster presentation.
Guide for an abstract
- Maximum 8000 characters with spaces (title, authors, text, references, figure captions included) and not more than two black-and-white or color figures of good graphic art quality are allowed (should fit either 84 mm wide column, or 170 x 230 mm page size)
- Use Times New Roman, 12-pt font, single spacing
- Do not center or justify your text
- For title and author(s) follow the layout:
Title: Tectonic versus non-tectonic origin of a fold...
Name(s): Bill Anders
Affiliation(s): Institute of Geology, address and email...
Body of text
Figure Captions (do not forget !) - Use the following file name format: last_name_of_the_first_author_2014_ceteg.file_extension (e.g. Anders_2013_ceteg.docx)
- Figure captions are to be included to the end of the text
- Please, send the figures in *.jpg or *.tiff format in 300dpi resolution to Maks Twyrdy (maksymilian.twyrdy@twarda.pan.pl). Please, name your figures in the following way: last_name_of_the_first_author_2014_ceteg_Figure_X.file_extension (e.g. Anders_2013_ceteg_Figure_1.jpg)
- Wishing to submit more than one abstract as a first author, include one abstract in the registration form (more due fields are lacking in the form) and send the other(s) to Maks Twyrdy (maksymilian.twyrdy@twarda.pan.pl)
- If you are not the first author, this procedure is unnecessary because the first author is to arrange for abstract sending.
On the last page of the registration, you are provided by information about your individual total registration price counted on the basis of your choices during the registration process. Payment is for the present possible only by bank transfer. The bank information is visible on the registration form, and you can also see it below:
Bank Transfer for payments made in Euros: Account holder: Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN Address: PL 50-449 Wrocław, Podwale 75 Bank: BPH Address: PL 80-175 Gdańsk, J. Pałubickiego 2 IBAN Nr: PL 45 1060 0076 0000 3300 0077 9144 Swift code: BPHKPLPK Title of payment: your name, CETEG 2014 Bank Transfer for payments made in PLN: Account holder: Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN Address: PL 50-449 Wrocław, Podwale 75 Bank: BPH Nr. 26 1060 0076 0000 3380 0004 7058 Title of payment: nazwisko, imię, CETEG 2014
At this point your registration is complete.