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11th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Groups
18th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic studies Group (ČTS)
VÁRGESZTES - Villa Park (Western Hungary, Vértes and Gerecse Hills, Mór wine region) 24. - 27. April 2013 Hungary
First circular
The meeting is organized by
Hungarian Tectonic Group (HUNTEK)
Hungarian Geological Society
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geological, Geophysical and Space Science Research Group at Eötvös University
Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary (MFGI)
Organizing team
László Fodor, Szilvia Kövér, Gyula Maros, Klára Palotás, Elica Winchester
Let us invite you to the next CETeG meeting in Hungary!
In this first circular we would like to distribute basic information about the conference. More detailed information will be announced later.
The most important thing would be that you personally accept this invitation and participate at the meeting, either with oral/poster contribution, participating in discussions or simply by attending the sessions/excursions. Please, distribute this invitation within your colleagues, in order to promote high attendance and scientific level of the meeting.
Participation of young scientists is highly supported. This conference has its primary goal to offer possibilities for master and PhD students and young researchers for both oral and poster presentations. We thus kindly ask leaders of research groups to encourage the youngster to come and participate with their results. We will try to keep registration and other costs as low as possible, in order to promote their participations. Also, we hope to find supports from companies and institutions to reduce these costs.
We would highly welcome if you could indicate us your intention for coming, it would help planning. If you notify false addresses, please indicate it to the organising committee. Any suggestions are appreciated which could improve the quality and level of the meeting, particularly in the field of finding financial support and attracting participants.
Topics of the Meeting
It will include all aspects which are relevant for the structural evolution of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaridic system and for all areas north from this orogenic belt, from the Bohemian massive to the Holy Cross Mts. and beyond. All disciplines of geosciences are highly welcome ranging from field geology through geophysics, sedimentology, palaeontology, petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, basin analysis and all others, all having implications on structural and geodynamic problems. The conference particularly invites methodological talks, analogue and computer modelling aiming a better understanding of tectonic processes. Case studies from other orogenic belts are equally welcome, because we can all learn from far-field examples.
Conference language
English, as usual.
The conference will take place at Várgesztes, between the Gerecse and the Vértes Hills. The village can be easily reached from the highway M1 coming from Vienna or Bratislava, turning off at Tatabánya. The village hosts a small medieval castle with restaurant and tourist hostel. Near the village the Villapark offers quiet location for the conference, separating from the noise of our everyday life. The surrounding Vértes Hills itself offers excellent locations for tracking across the deep dolomite gorges and forested plateaus. Near the village one can visit the Camaldoli monastery of Majk, the holy place of the mute monks, which is restored in its XVIIIth century form (www.majkikolostor.hu). The conference location is close to two wine regions of Hungary, that of Mór and Neszmély (www.moriborvidek.hu, www.neszmelyiborvidek.hu, www.hilltop.hu).The Mór wine region is traditionally famous for white wines. The local wines were called and considered as equal to Tokaj wine by the monarchy military vintners for decades in the XIXth century – let you check if the quality has remained still the same!
Preliminary program
- April 24th
- Pre-conference field trip: "Mesozoic structural evolution of the northern Transdanubian Range, an element of the Alpine-Carpathian nappe pile"
The excursion will start and end in Várgesztes. - Evening: Welcome party
- Pre-conference field trip: "Mesozoic structural evolution of the northern Transdanubian Range, an element of the Alpine-Carpathian nappe pile"
- April 25th
- Oral and poster scientific sessions
- April 26th
- Oral and poster scientific sessions
- Evening: Conference dinner and evening party
- April 27th
- Post-conference field trip "Snapshots from the Cenozoic structural evolution and related basin formation in the northern Transdanubian Range"
The excursion will start and end in Várgesztes.
- Post-conference field trip "Snapshots from the Cenozoic structural evolution and related basin formation in the northern Transdanubian Range"
Pre-conference field trip
(led by Orsolya Sztanó, László Fodor, Szilvia Kövér)
This trip will present the main structural phases of the Mesozoic deformation of the northern Transdanubian Range, starting from the early Jurassic rifting to the Cretaceous deformation. This will be a classical field trip, visiting awesome quarries and bushwalking to smaller outcrops. Excursion will present outcrops showing the structures and sediments connected to minor extension which is related to the Early Jurassic rifting and Late Jurassic bending of the lithosphere, respectively. During the early Cretaceous, the northern part of the TR was the location of a flexural basin with clastic infill, which is in contrast with the carbonate sedimentation of the remaining part of the TR. New sedimentological and structural observations reposition of the present-day outcrops within the basin and we will discuss the meaning of the new concept for the Alpine-Carpathian nappe tectonics.
Post-conference field trip
(led by Gábor Csillag, László Fodor, Szilvia Kövér, Orsolya Sztanó)
The post-conference field excursion will give snapshots on the complex post-Mesozoic structural evolution of the Transdanubian Range. The main points will include deformation features from Eocene to late Miocene with a notion to neotectonic deformation. We will discuss the geometry and formation of late Miocene so-called post-rift grabens and the related sediment pattern. We tackle the origin of this post-rift deformation, which is not part of the classical concepts about the Pannonian basin. Excellent outcrops of the Gánt mining area expose diverse structures from the Early Miocene strike-slip faults to the Miocene syn-rift faults. The main structural attraction of this site is a 3D view of fault relay ramps between oblique-slip faults. Exposures of the southern boundary fault of the Vértes Hills offer the possibility to discuss rifting of the Pannonian Basin and neotectonic aspects as well.
The program of the field trip will end relatively early in the afternoon in Várgesztes, so you can reach your home in acceptable time. Thus taking your car on the excursion will not be necessary. After the post-conference field trip, you can relax one more night in the Villapark or catch a train/flight connection from Tatabánya or Budapest.
Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes. Projectors for PowerPoint presentation will be assured. Slide projector and overhead projector will only be available if you indicate this explicitly.
Poster format will be ~0.9m x 1.0m
We intend to put emphasis on poster sessions, thus consider strongly this type of communication.
The organising committee reserves the right to select oral presentations and shift some presentations to poster session. (Please, prepare presentations, which have major impact for tectonic problems.) Please avoid parallel oral and poster presentations. One author will be allowed only one oral presentation as first author. The number of poster presentations is not limited.
Radek Melka prize
The prize has been established by friends of Mr. Radek Melka to remember this outstanding young Czech scientist in structural geology who passed away at the age of 30 in 1994.
The Radek Melka Prize will be awarded to the best paper by an author from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, or Hungary of age up to 35 years in the year of publication of their paper. The Prize in 2013 will be awarded for a paper published in the year of 2012. A submitted paper has to deal with a topic in structural geology, tectonics, geodynamics, geochronology, rock geochemistry, metamorphic, igneous, or sedimentary geology. Condition for participation in the competition is the author's presence at the Central European Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting.
Deadline: Authors will submit their papers for the competition as pdf to zdenek.venera@geology.cz, and cc to lexa@natur.cuni.cz by 15th April 2013.
Referees: 7 referees will be nominated by the Board of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group and the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science to select the best paper considering its significance of scientific contribution, originality of approach, and author's share in the published work. The winner will be announced at the 11th CETeG Meeting during the conference dinner. Colleagues are asked to distribute this information among young scientists, who can apply for the prize with a published paper, in which the applicant is the first author.
The prize is sponsored by the Czech Tectonic Studies Group and Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science and the Geological, Geophysical and Space Science Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Eötvös University.
The best student poster prize
The prize will be awarded by the Czech Tectonic Studies Group and Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science.
The Staszek Brud prize
This prize will be awarded by the Galicia Tectonic Group for the best oral presentation of a young scientist.
The organising committee welcome offers from individuals and organisations supporting/financing prizes.
The abstracts will be published in a Conference Volume. We negotiate with the Acta Mineralogical-Petrographica of Szeged University to publish Excursion guidebook and possibly abstracts. Only electronic abstract submission will be possible in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) format. More information on the abstract volume will be announced later.
We also offer another publication possibility for those who would like a real publication in a regular journal. The Central European Geology accepts both short (4-6 pages) and longer manuscripts for publication. The journal is published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the follower of the Acta Geologica Hungarica and Acta Mineralogica-Petrologica Segediensis. Details of the journal can be reached on the website. The papers are referred in Chemical Abstracts, Elsevier Geo Abstracts, GEOBASE and SCOPUS. If there would be enough candidates, publication of special issue would be possible.
Registration fee
The registration fee includes the abstract volume and other conference materials, 2 lunches, refreshments at coffee breaks, rental for conference rooms, equipment, the conference dinner with wine tasting and the ice-breaker party.
Professionals | 130 € |
Students/retired | 90 € |
Excursion fee | |
Pre or Post | 35 € |
Pre or Post | 35 € |
The fee includes lunch (sandwiches), excursion guide, and transport. |
It will be in the Várgesztes Villapark. The small village nearby and the town of Oroszlány may offer other possibilities.
Please, note that accommodation is not included in the registration fee!
The Villpark consists of houses with 4 double rooms, two shared bathrooms and living-room + kitchen. Single-room accommodation will be available in the double rooms at distinguished price. In the Villapark fun bath, sauna, fitness room and football field can be used by the guests free of charge.
We kindly ask you to indicate with whom you want to share the hotel room.
Contact organiser is Elica Winchester (elica.winchester@hbl.t-online.hu) if you would have special needs concerning accommodation.
single room | 35 €/person |
double room | 27 €/person |
breakfast included |
You will be informed about the way of reservation in the next circular.
Registration: 31th January 2013
Submission of short communications or manuscripts to Central European Geology: 20th January 2013
Abstract submission: 14th February 2013
Payment: 28th February 2013
Registration form
Registration form will be announced later, hopefully still in December.
You can pay the fees in two ways, bank money transfer and with credit card. Details will be advertised in next letters.
Concerning accommodation, food, registration and payment please, turn to:
Elica Winchester elica.winchester@hbl.t-online.hu
Tel: +36-1-299 0686
Fax: +36-1-299 0685
Mobile: +36-70-335 2425
For scientific problems, you can contact:
László Fodor lasz.fodor@yahoo.com
Szilvia Kövér koversz@yahoo.com
Gyula Maros maros.gyula@mfgi.hu
Hoping to see you in Várgesztes. On behalf of the organising comittee
László Fodor, Szilvia Kövér, Gyula Maros, Klára Palotás, Elica Winchester