Awards of the CETEG community promote active participation of outstanding students and young scientists at the CETEG annual meetings.
Radek Melka prize
The prize has been established by friends of Dr Radek Melka to remember this outstanding young structural geologist, who passed away in 1994 at the age of 30. Since 2015, the Radek Melka Prize is awarded every second year for the best paper authored by a young researcher affiliated to institutions in Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, or Hungary. The competing researchers must be the first authors of the presented papers, must be under 35 years in the year of publication, and must actively participate at the awarding CETEG conference. This year we will accept papers published in 2023 and 2024. Please send your contributions for the competition as pdf to, and cc: to before 31st March 2025. The prize money for the best paper is 1000 €.
Referees will be nominated by the Board of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group and the conference organizing committee to select the best paper considering its significance, originality of approach, and author's contribution in the published work. The winner will be announced at the 21st CETEG Meeting during the conference dinner. Senior colleagues are asked to distribute this information to their students and young colleagues, who have interesting recent publications and are eligible to apply for this competition. The prize is sponsored by the Czech Tectonic Studies Group.
Best student presentation prize
During the CETEG 2025, the best student oral and poster presentations will be awarded based on the decision of evaluation committees. The prize money for the best talk is 300 € and for the best poster it is 150 €.